Hi guys
Istarted this blog about a year and a half ago however i gave up due to work circumstances and other thinggs . However i want to start again and really expand it by getting more views ,more comments and more peoples opinions . I have always loved fashion and i really want to eventually create my own career out of it .
Howver the blog now is going to not only be run by myself but my best friend susie cahill who has a huge interest in photograpy. We both have agreed to work together creating fashion shoots together and myself been a fashion stylist to you guys who like my take on fashion. One of my style icon comes from a celebrity known as Jessica Alba and you will see tha through the blog . She has incredible fashion.
I hope you enjoy the blog in the future and take something from it .
yours always
Alicia Law
and Susie Cahill xxxxxxx
Istarted this blog about a year and a half ago however i gave up due to work circumstances and other thinggs . However i want to start again and really expand it by getting more views ,more comments and more peoples opinions . I have always loved fashion and i really want to eventually create my own career out of it .
Howver the blog now is going to not only be run by myself but my best friend susie cahill who has a huge interest in photograpy. We both have agreed to work together creating fashion shoots together and myself been a fashion stylist to you guys who like my take on fashion. One of my style icon comes from a celebrity known as Jessica Alba and you will see tha through the blog . She has incredible fashion.
I hope you enjoy the blog in the future and take something from it .
yours always
Alicia Law
and Susie Cahill xxxxxxx
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