Casual Everyday wear - WINTER FASHION

Put this look together because of course its winter and we all love to wear comfy and warm clothes , but I added a bit of trend or a chic look with jeans with holes in them which im obsessed by .I remember I was on a date before and the first thing the guy I was with turned around said , 'you think you could afford a pair of jeans without holes in them#? I was like get with the trend lad lol , its funny because im not sure guys like that  trend but maybe im wrong but I think its dope showing a bit of leg while keeping it warm with a nice polo neck and a pair of white shoes. I like the natural colours but then adding a vibrant or dark colour and that's what I did with the hand bag . CHIC  is what I live by
hope u like guys xxxxxxxxxxxx
 Alicia x
Misguided 42 euro
Misguided 28 euro
Misguided 28 euro
Misguided 35 euro

