Your worst enemy is your mind .

To Dreams
When you want something in life , you fight for it through the bad and the good days whether it's a person or a dream . But the most important thing is the drive , the ambition within you to get it or succeed . Ambition is my favourite word and it's something I strive for . Fashion Famed is not by any means at a place where I'm happy that I have succeeded in what I set out to do . Nor it may never be but I have ideas , I have projects that I want to fulfill and I will work with time against me to get what I want . I'm not a girl who has had it easy in life , nor are my a girl who sorrows about it . Yes it's a scar , a very frightening point of my life , especially having no control over it or myself and I think when your control is gone , you no longer have the ability to live a life . I'm also not this girl who just wants a job to pay the bills at the end of the week . For me that's not ambition . Success at what I do and rewards is what I strive for . If I want something and every bone in my body wants it , I get it and that's just it . It might never happen but I can safely say to myself I tried . Im in no competition with anybody . Yes I dream of been her and the success she has reached but jealousy is something that I draw a very dark line against . I have worked with people who all they want to know is what your doing and basically tell you , you are not good enough . I have worked with people who turn around to people and say she's not a nice person or get others to bully me . And all I will say is that those people think they have control over you , control over how others perceive you but in content they are people who wish they had what you have and they are simply people you wash off your shoulder and say jealousy is a bitch .. To cut a long story short is that your worst enemy is your mind . The moment it takes control , the moment your dream is over ..
Yours lovingly 
fashion famed
