Something that we've been working on that I'd like to show you
Over the past 5 months we have been working on something that Alicia wrote and wanted to share with people. Originally it was only for me to see as I love writing things down when im going through difficult in life . But one day I showed it to a very close friend of mine sue and she said that we really need to create this into a video and as since I don't sing I created it into a story . People mighten like it and may think its stupid but others who understand will hopefully read it or listen and watch it and may take something from it . My main aim is to get people to realise that the past can never be brought into your present or your future as otherwise it destroys it and through the video you will learn how it destroyed me , yet made me a stronger person in the sense that something or someone really made me realise that I have to deal with my issues back then and over the past 6 months I did, yet I lost something important to me we learn that everything in life happens for a reason and we all sit in different places within our lives and think I wish that never happened or that never had to end but we cannot think like that . instead we must accept and move on
love always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
love always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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