A new beginning for FashionFamed

To each one of you

  I decided to take a small break from blogging and modelling  as i found that i lost direction with fashion famed . I found myself questioning what area or what fashion i wanted to portray to my followers . Although  i enjoyed collaborating with many shops  modelling  their clothes in 2017,  i found the clothes or outfits  i personally would not wear . One thing was  been dishonest  to my followers . From the beginning i always said that i wanted to write from my heart and give my honest opinion and  uptake  on fashion and beauty.  This year i will be talking  about small beauty product ranges that i am truly passionate about and also modelling and creating outfits from the current fashion trends and my personal fashion.
Each week i aim to do one post so that i do not bombard you guys with my blogging .


love always x
