My biggest obsession RIGHT NOW - Wearing beige with white!

So its nearly the weekend which is always nice to hear . Hope you guys have something special organised for mothers day on Sunday .

However lets get back to whats important and that 's my obsession with white and beige. Yes, when i see people wearing these colours or see images on social media i literally get so excited .  I think at this time of year , where we are in a transition from winter to summer these colours are so chic yet simple . 
When it comes to fashion i always get my ideas from two of my main fashion icons Jessica Alba and WeWoreWhat blogger, Danielle Bernstein. I love simplicity and both these beautiful women master it. When i choose a outfit for the day whether it is with these two colours or not, i will never have more than 2 colours in my outfit .
I think its important to have a vision when it comes to fashion . I really feel like,  been safe and following the trend is not always the way to go . Its so important to make your own personal statement and in my opinion if i saw anybody wearing  beige with white i would always move my eye to them because these colours are very neutral .
Anyway enough of me talking , please have a look at these pictures and MAYBE you guys can then relate to my obsession .
                                                                  Yours always
                                                                     Alicia x

                                           Jessica Alba

                  Danielle Bernstein
